Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP)

Monday 21.3.2022 at 14-16.00 Enterprise resource and planning system -configuration and modules

The configuration and operating principle of ERP-systems in general.

Monday 4.4.2022 at 14-16.00

The follow-up and reporting of goals

The principles of scorecard (balanced indicators). The follow-up of goals (the perspectives of reporting; what are the factors to be considered so that the indicators and follow-up of the goals can be monitored in real time and reliably. What are the tools that can be used to combine data from different systems, as well as share the reports to different target groups?

Tuesday 19.4.2022 at 12-16 BI-reports; Workshop

BI-reports in practice. How to make own reporting templates and share these to different target groups in participant's own organisation.

Monday 16.5.2022 at 13-16.00 Office automation; Microsoft Powerautomate

Microsoft Powerautomate -office automation programme in practice (various examples).  The goal is to acquire deeper level of understanding about the possibilities and restrictions of combining technical operations to business goals.

Monday 6.6.2022 at 12-16.00 Automatization of processes -Workshop

The participating companies will plan and possibly carry out automatizations related to their own company's processes.


More to come: webinars arranged by our partners! The event details will be updated here in January.

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