Operating processes and process thinking


Monday 17.1.2022 at 13-16

The basic principle and meaning of process thinking; advantages and challenges

What is the definition of processes in business and what is the meaning of recognizing these processes?

What are the advantages and challenges of process thinking in management in comparison to traditional management methods?


Monday 31.1.2022 at 14-16

Recognizing processes in organisation

Recognizing processes requires awareness of organisation's purpose, defining the clients and value creation as well as naming the products and/or services. With these we'll specify the center and supporting operating processes of the company. The processes are described both verbally and diagrammatically. The mentioned specifications are made to each company during the training.

Monday 14.2.2022 at 14-16

Describing the processes

In this training we'll learn how to describe individual processes both verbally and diagrammatically. Finding the right level of description as well as choosing specified basic notation are required in order to make the descriptions. The making of descriptions is essential in order to develop the processes and utilizing related automation and digitalization, as well as defining the indicators.  The utilization of automation may prove to be too difficult or unnecessary if done before the processes are described and optimized.

Monday 7.3.2022 at 14-16

Defining the performance of the processes

In this training we'll learn how to choose, make and utilize the indicators associated with defining the performance of processes and how to use these in organisation management. Operating processes must be developed continuously in order to maintain competitiveness, thus the indicators must give proactive data about the performance of the processes, using correct variables.


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